Team:Alberta-North-RBI E/MarketingBus
Marketing Strategies
Marketing Analysis and Exploration
- Contacting marketing consultants to get confirmation of our market assessment.
Potential consultant companies: Matrix Fine Chemicals, StrategyMark, MarketsandMarkets, etc.
Estimated Cost: $2000
- Explore the world market by giving competitive prices and services.
Company Construction
- Package the company: set up professional website, company logo, and branding.
Estimated Cost: $1000
- Easy reachable sales and technical persons (online, on call, “24 hours a day”) for products and services.
- Working with our suppliers/clients, getting feedback from the recycle plants and customers.
Media and Advertisement
- Write articles for trade magazines among the recycling industry and fine chemicals industry to get credibility and exposure.
Recycling industry magazines: Solid Waste and Recycling, Recycling Today, Recycling International, etc.
Fine chemicals industry magazines: Speciality Chemicals, Chemical Week, Canadian Chemical News, etc.
Estimated Cost: $4000
- Send out technical or product updates and newsletters through emails to clients
Estimated Cost: Free
- Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
Estimated Cost: Free
Media and Advertisement
- Other than collaborate with recycle plants, we also need to form strong networks with our buyers down the manufacturing chain. These buyers include pharmaceutical companies, generic drug companies, food producing companies and fragrances producers, etc. We can attract these buyers by giving discount or promotion packages on long term contracts.
- Participate in trade associations and conferences such as Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical association, Annual World Drug Manufacturing Summits, Paper Recycling Conference & Trade Show, and Canadian Waste and Recycling Expo. During the conferences, we can provide promotional materials, like paper and pens with our company name, logo, and contact information on them, to make impression on our potential business partners.
Estimated Cost: $16000/year
Community Involvement and Reputation Building
- Enter biotech or business award competition to build reputations. As now the 2012 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Entrepreneurial competition is our initial opportunity to present our company to the public.
- Sponsor local sports teams. Like buying them team shirts. Thus, we can advertise our business as well as showing strong interaction with the community.
Estimated Cost: $2000/year
- Charity donation.
- As our product is eventually paper consuming, we might want to set up events like annual tree planting to show our concern about the environment.
Estimated Cost: $1000/year