Team:Alberta-North-RBI E/futuredirection


Revision as of 08:06, 26 October 2012 by Dominic.sauvageau (Talk | contribs)

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As a part of Upcycled Aromatic's commitment to innovation, we are already looking ahead to possible new business opportunities as our company continues to grow.

Feedstock Diversification

Upcycled Aromatics is currently considering promising new feedstocks in order to improve both the quantity and expediency of production. Possible new feedstocks include lignocellulosic materials from farms. We are also looking to establish partnerships with the forestry industry in order to secure new feedstock supply lines.

Product Diversification

At the other end of our process, Upcycled Aromatics possesses the potential to grow not only in terms of quantity of product, but also in their variety. To that end, Upcycled Aromatics plans to explore the current metabolic pathway in use for possible high-value chemicals. In addition, we are also considering alternative pathways to produce other fine chemicals that may prove to be particularly valuable.

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