• Business Doesn't Have To Happen In A City

    You can add as many slides as you want, with and without captions. Win!

  • Touch Friendly Slider

    Use any touch devices to swipe between slides. Awesome!

  • Fully Responsive

    Venture is fully responsive so it mobile and tablet friendly. Nice!

BizBricks | University of Waterloo

BizBricks is a centralized source for learning and hub for collaboration.


Setting <ul class="tabs" persist="ture">...</ul> will turn on the persistence feature: the most recently clicked tab will be remembered even if the page is reloaded or revisited within the browser session.

Note: If you open this page directly with physical path(i.e. file:///D:/tabcontent/demo.html ) instead of from web app, you may not see this feature.

Multiple Tab Contents

You can have multiple tab contents on the same page, with only one copy of the CSS and JavaScript files.

Bookmark Support

You can also open a tab or a bookmark from a link anywhere on the page.

This is a paragraph with id="mark4".

By clicking the bookmark link at the bottom of this Tab Content, you will see me with this Tab Content panel being opened at the same time.

Opened by a link from another page

Link from another page can select a tab on the target page when loaded.

Change the CSS link to template1~6 in the source code of this page for different templates.

Example of bookmark support: Bookmark link to mark4

Version: v2012.5.22
Visit www.menucool.com to get the newest version and more detailed instructions online.

Its purpose is to provide users access to best practice tools that will enhance their knowledge in pertinence to entrepreneurship, but also create a space where aspiring bio-entrepreneurs have the opportunity to connect with other stakeholders that may demonstrate interest in their technologies and ideas.

We feel that without the business, there is no science- meaning that an organization is optimally successfully when the two are connected. For years, there has been a particular focus on the scientific potential of synthetic biology but in order to remain sustainable and efficient, it is important that there is an ongoing discussion about the sustainability of the field from an economic perspective.

Our goal is to provide content to entrepreneurs that pertain to three particular stages: Research & Development, Funding and Regulations & Commercialization. The goal is to develop a business development roadmap that provides a concise but comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship to all stakeholders exposed to synthetic biology.

The ultimate goal is to create a collaborative space and a knowledge repository for synthetic biologists and stakeholders that should be engaged within the technology development process. Our vision is to create the foundational e-learning tool for iGEM Entrepreneurship.