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Bridges between campus Querétaro and campus TolucaPublished March 16, 2012
On March 16th Biosint members Antonio Villareal and head adviser Dr. Sonia Vázquez-Flores offered a conference on campus Toluca from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, in Mexico State. The main subject of the talk was to expand students from Biotechnology Engineering basic knowledge on Synthetic Biology, in order to invite them to take interest this research field.The trip lasted one day, during which Antonio and Sonia talked with the students of the ITESM Toluca for one hour, shared a meal, discussed on different topics in biotechnology, toured around the campus and recorded a radio interview. By the end of the conference, there was interaction with the students with their queries. This event was not just about informing students on Synthetic Biology, a lot of the questionning were around the iGEM competition and the research options, strengths and complications of participating. The final purpose was to create a connection between students and professors of both University campuses which would allow Biosint_Mexico an opportunity to develop networking. Finally, the expectations for this conference were highly accomplished. The results were more than beneficial for the Biosint team; students and professors of ITESM Toluca showed a high interest in taking part in future project developments for iGEM competition.
Synthetic Biology: Star trek in the spider’s webPublished September 22, 2012
The iGEM team BIOSINT_MEXICO organized the “2012 Synthetic Biology Symposium” in the facilities of Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Querétaro. The event consisted in 3 conferences with the participation of BA Meagan Lizarazo, iGEM Foundation vice-president, Dr Lynn J. Rothschild from NASA Ames Research Center and Dr. Randy Lewis from Utah University The inauguration ceremony began at 9:30 with the intervention of the Biotechnology Student Coordinator Engineer Jorge Nieto. Then, a member of BIOSINT_MEXICO, Rodrigo Machado introduced the first lecturer: BA Meagan Lizarazo iGEM Foundation vice-president with the conference “iGEM and Synthetic Biology”. The presentation was about iGEM, institution in charge of the annual Jamboree on Synthetic Biology. Such event has the purpose of encouraging students to develop biological systems with a specific purpose, for instance: arsenic detection in water, red blood cells’ substitutes or pigment production as indicators, among other projects. BA Meagan encourages all interested alumni to participate, learn and enjoy so “go iGEM!” After that Dr. Lynn J. Rothschild began the second conference named “Astrobiology to Star Trek: Synthetic Biology and NASA’s Mission”. It was about NASA’s interest in synthetic biology, especially in the development and construction of biological systems with functions not found in nature. Currently, the experiments are focused in the creation of innovative products and services such as polymers with the ability to convey hereditary information, development of novo proteins which could be more stable, or even complete organisms created synthetically. A practical example would be the development of bricks from calcium precipitation of urine mediated by microorganisms, which could be of use in the construction of colonies in other planets. “Spider Silk: How to Produce Nature´s Best Material” given by Dr. Randy Lewis was the next conference and the use of nature proteins to develop new materials such as spider silk was discussed. Spider silk, due to its characteristics, has a higher resistance than nylon, it can be used to repair ligaments or tendons, as medicament supply, special sportswear. As it transmits electricity better than copper, it can be used as a conductor eight times lighter. It was an entertaining lecture that allowed the participants to visualize the possibilities of developing new products from unconventional sources. Discussion panel, the last part of the schedule, took place at 17:00 with the intervention of BS Meagan Lizarazo, Dr. Randy Lewis and MSc Geronimo Villanueva from the Asociación de Biología Sintética Mexicana and Dr. Sonia Vázquez from the Tecnólogico de Monterrey as moderator. The discussion covered a variety of topics: what is in the future for researchers and newcomers to Synthetic Biology; ethical and legal restrictions; open source information, from biobricks to methodologies; and what distinguishes this area of biotechnology from Genetic Engineering. Officially at 18:20 the closure of the “2012 Synthetic Biology Symposium” took place. It was an entertaining and fun event that showed the impact of Synthetic Biology in our lives now and in the future.
Our RootsPublished October 19, 2012
Beginning with our first participation in the iGEM 2011 jamboree, a bronze medal in the regional state and the passing to the championship as the only Mexican team, were not the only awards obtained by the group. We received an award within our Institutions recognizing the first team in a scientific area at the beginning of 2012. The whole experience left in our team, the interest to continue in research and expand our objectives in order to support Mexican efforts in the synthetic biology area. We understand that the need of creating a scientific mind is in the students, the younger the best results. The team has maintained and expanded. Nowadays there is a student group with more than 30 members, not all of them are participating in the entrepreneurship challenge, but they are the next generation iGEMERS. Most of them are undergraduate students in biotechnology but at last we have other engineering students interested from Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro, Campus Toluca and Campus Guadalajara. BIOSINT has the aim of creating a space in which the students can grow in the synthetic biology complexity, with the organization of workshops, conferences, educational material and the funding to support research projects and participation in challenges such as iGEM. BIOSINT_Mexico created the Kuxtal Biotech Corporation with 15 members that have different skills and training besides their biotechnology engineering studies. Currently we have the support of Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro, Parque Tecnológico and Entrepreneur Incubator with a team of advisors and research professors. Current advances in Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering were achievable thanks to the breakthroughs in the industrialization of biological sciences. By broadening the spectra of commercially available molecular biology reagents and equipment, new techniques have been developed, yielding novel applications, products, and services for both lab and industry. As more sophisticated and accurate technologies become less expensive, the industrial, and therefore commercial possibilities expand. Fresh and emerging markets provide exceptional niche opportunities; the exponential growth of scientific development in biological sciences is currently pulling the global market as well. Latin America is a region with great potential regarding market development and expansion of biotechnological products and services. The Mexican and Latin American teams participating in the iGEM competition represent only a segment of a niche within the synthetic gene market; in reality the market-share is much bigger. Private & public research institutions, as well as companies and industries, develop services and products that currently, or will eventually, require synthetic genes and optimized sequences. The need for a company that efficiently provides such services, as well as other biotechnological solutions to industrial processes, is increasing rapidly in Mexico and the rest of the developing world. Consolidating a Synthetic Biology enterprise that provides custom synthetically designed and optimized genes, recombinant proteins, and specialized biotechnological solutions in the region would capture the existing market share and at the same time would fuel the development of a fresh new market that currently remains underexploited. In-depth analysis of existing market and emerging markets related to biological sciences and biotechnological products/services. • Legal consolidation of a gene synthesis company that also serves as a specialized custom biotech solutions provider. • Assemble a business plan and define a business strategy for short and long terms including risk analysis as well as a robust operational strategy. • Design initial services package according to a previously defined price analysis and strategy. • Acquire necessary initial infrastructure and capital. • Test equipment, validate products and standardize protocols; generate own know-how. • Design and launch a publicity campaign based on a previously defined distribution strategy. • Generate potential customers portfolio and contacts. • Obtain relevant quality and safety certifications.
Sierra Tarahumara: An endangered communityPublished February 3, 2012
Sierra Tarahumara is a hidden place located in between the mountains of Chihuahua, Mexico. There are many ethnic groups that have problems of health and malnutrition due to a severe draught around the country. Even the international community was concerned about the situation. Los Angeles Times printed an article explaining the problem: The Tarahumara, like many indigenous communities, are among Mexico's poorest people, living at the margins of mainstream society with limited access to healthcare and education, the so-called Other Mexico. Many of the Tarahumara dwell in caves or the most rudimentary of housing in the rugged Copper Canyon region of Mexico's Chihuahua state. (Wilkinson, Tracy, 2012) This living situation in the Sierra Tarahumara population was a major concern for the BIOSINT_Mexico team, so under Monica´s organization (a former iGEMER), a collection of food and water was held. The foodstuff gathering took place during the last week of January, with the provision of the campus administrator’s and student’s community. The team had the support of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Querétaro, the company Alpura who transported the food to a Rarámuri community center with the aid of the regional Red Cross. Wilkinson, Tracy (2012, January 18). [In Mexico, false suicide reports shine light on Tarahumara plight] Los Angeles Times. Retrieves form mexico-indians-hunger-20120119.
New government liaisonsPublished October 19, 2012
The members of the Team Biosint_Mexico: Jorge Vásquez and Rodrigo Machado met last October 19 with the deputy Germán Borja García of the 52th legislature of Queretaro.The meeting took place at Casa Mota in the city of Querétaro, México. During the meeting Jorge y Rodrigo explained to the legislator what this year’s iGEM project is, November´s challenge, among other things. The objective of this meeting was to create a connection between the student group BioSint and the government of the state of Queretaro, in order to obtain future economic support and have contacts in the Government within the Biotechnology cluster. Finally, the Legislator shared information on another contact, Professor Jesús Galván Mendez, President of the Committee on Education, Culture, Technology and Innovation. The meeting with Professor Mendez is pending. The Team Biosint_Mexico hopes to continue making liaisons so they can create more efficient resources in order to aid future iGEM teams of Tecnológico de Monterrey- Campus Querétaro for future IGEM competitions.