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BizBricks | University of Waterloo

BizBricks is a centralized source for learning and hub for collaboration.

Our value proposition

Given the non-profit nature of our venture, our primary source of uniqueness and distinctiveness is built on the core idea of intangible value. Our idea is a concept of competence-enhancing innovation, our information is customized to the needs of the synthetic biology entrepreneurs and our goal is to build a collaborative space to connect scientists to all stakeholders in the synthetic biology business development process via the introduction of a virtual directory.

Our Business Model: Pursuing the Hybridized Model

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Target Market

Our aim is to initially provide this service offering to the iGEM community within the Americas. The iGEM community is a prime example of an inclusive network that has not only expanded in terms of number of participants, but also in terms of its diversity. Teams are not only bringing forth ideas, but prototypes that have the opportunity to be commercialized. The regionals are being held in cities where the integration of synthetic biology technology and entrepreneurship are highly valued. Our portal is a method to retain the connections that were built within iGEM events, but also help to facilitate those that were missed.

Our target market milestone map is proposed below. Essentially the plan indicates that a pilot phase with the 2012 iGEM Entrepreneurship participants will allow us to gage the interest level and also identify opportunities for enhancements. Thereafter, the portal will be launched to the iGEM community within the Americas, and soon to the rest of the international cohort.

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