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- | <h2><a href="http://wpwikitheme.com/installation/plugins/installing-the-wiki-faqs-plugin/" title="Installing the Wiki FAQs Plugin">Installing the Wiki FAQs Plugin</a></h2>
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- | This awesome totally custom plugin is a slick and easy way to show off your FAQs without taking up a post or page doing it. As well, it's completely search friendly and paginates just like regular posts.
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- | <h2><a href="http://wpwikitheme.com/installation/theme/installing-the-wordpress-wiki-theme/" title="Installing the WordPress Wiki Theme">Installing the WordPress Wiki Theme</a></h2>
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- | The WordPress Wiki Theme is very simple to get up and running quickly. If you have ever installed a theme in WordPress than this one will most likely be no different.
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- | <h2><a href="http://wpwikitheme.com/demystifying-the-wiki/awesome-features/a-feature-list-oh-yeah/" title="A feature list, oh yeah!">A feature list, oh yeah!</a></h2>
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- | Everyone always wants a list of the top features, it wouldn't be a website about a theme without one. So, here is a compiled list of the features I think are important to note and that you should be aware of.
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- | <a href="http://wpwikitheme.com/demystifying-the-wiki/awesome-features/a-feature-list-oh-yeah/" title="A feature list, oh yeah!">Read Article ›</a>
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- | <h2><a href="http://wpwikitheme.com/demystifying-the-wiki/writing-content/how-to-write-an-article/" title="How to Style an Article">How to Style an Article</a></h2>
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- | This is were you can find all the styles that you have access to when posting articles using the WordPress Wiki Theme.
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- | <a href="http://wpwikitheme.com/demystifying-the-wiki/writing-content/how-to-write-an-article/" title="How to Style an Article">Read Article ›</a>
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- | <h1 class="my_faqs">Frequently Asked Questions</h1><div class="post_wrap"><ul id="faq"><li><a class="question" href="#">How Do you Make a FAQ Sticky?</a><ul class="answer"><li>To make a FAQ stick to the front page you'll check the box next to "Stick this post to the front page" in the Wiki FAQs <em>"Add New FAQ"</em> or <em>"Edit FAQ"</em> post sidebar in the WordPress admin area.</li></ul></li></ul></div> </div>
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